A Road trip with kids can be challenging at times but also lots of fun. When you are well-prepared, that is.
My nine simple tips for road trips with kids are easy to apply yet make the journey more enjoyable for grown-ups and kids alike.
Summertime and therefore the next vacation is just around the corner. It pays to get ready slowly but surely.
For most families, a road trip is just a way to go on their desired family vacation. Why not make it part of your journey?
I compiled a list of tips to make your next road trip stress free and more fun for the whole family. Let’s make your next trip going from A to B a memorable one.
It all starts with the right mindset. 🙂
1. Keeping Things Handy 
You can pack all the best things in the world like Moms-approved snack packs, drink bottles, toys, and games. But if they are out of reach for your littlies there is not much point having them.
The best solution to keep your car organized and your kids happy is an Auto Back Seat Organizer.
All the essentials are easy to reach for little hands – from drinks to toys or books. Happy Days! Best of all, these back seat organizers are easy to clean and can hold a lot of stuff.
So you don’t have to stop the car every time your little munchkin is thirsty, hungry or wants to play a game.
2. Being Comfortable
My kids love to snuggle up when we are traveling in the car. They always take their pillow and favorite blanket.
It is important that your children feel as comfortable as possible. Wearing comfortable loose clothing that is breathable is another factor for their well-being.
Once the pillow and blanket are set up, my children are feeling less stressed and don’t argue so much. One less headache for us as parents. 🙂
3. Have A Break …
Be prepared to stop often so everyone can get some fresh air and stretch those tired muscles. Go for a little walk or try and stop at a playground so your children can shake their ‘sillies’ out. Fifteen to twenty minutes should be enough.
Use the time to go the restroom. It’s best to ask your children if they need to go … I’ve had it a few times that we just started the car, and I hear from the back “I need to go toilet’ – Argh!
4. Getting Sick On The Road
Always have a first aid kit in the car. My son gets car sick, and I always carry ‘Bach Rescue Remedy‘ with me. It helps with car sickness, sore tummies, anxiety and so much more.
Read my post What To Pack In A First Aid Kit When Traveling With Kids to get more ideas on what to bring.
5. It’s Playtime
I must admit, I am not a big fan of electronic devices, but for road trips, it’s a good solution for a short amount of time.
It’s best to keep screen time to a set limit maybe 30 minutes. It depends on the age of your children. I’ve noticed that my kids (7, 10 and 12 years old) get very tired and grumpy when they play on their tablet for too long.
Check out my post on the best headphones for kids and toddlers, so you don’t need to hear the noise from the tablet.
Books, magnetic games or a Magna Doodle are great alternatives. For more travel game ideas especially for toddlers, click here.
For free fun travel activities, read my post here. It is so much fun playing games and the travel time goes much quicker.
Stay away from the ’99 bottles of milk on the wall’ song if you can. My oldest son had the brilliant idea once to sing the whole song, and it drove me up the wall. 🙂
Here is the video of this special song. It takes 18 minutes to finish!!! Oh dear …
6. Packing 
Pack a little bag for things you might need in a hurry. Changing clothes, baby wipes, and diapers go in a separate special bag which should be quick to reach.
Another handy tip: If you stay overnight, use a carry-on luggage bag with all the things you will need for the one night.It saves you pulling out all the luggage and packing it again.
Otherwise, you could also use packing cubes to get your luggage organized. My favorite ones are the Shacke Paks, available on Amazon. Just take one cube out of your luggage, that is all it takes.
7. Get The Kids Involved
If your children are a bit older, it’s awesome to get them involved in the planning. Get out the good old’ roadmap, mark the route and let the kids decide where you could stop.
They get more excited and are less likely to feel stressed in the car. Planning a trip is so much fun. Look out for some scenic points, maybe some short nature walks and find a spot for a picnic at the beach or by a playground.
Everyone will feel more relaxed and have fun all along. You could also get a subscription for ‘Little Passports’ which is great for kids to learn more about different cultures and traditions.
For more details check out my Little Passports review.
8. Car Tips
Don’t forget to get your car checked before you go on a road trip. Maybe take it to your local garage for a service or get hubby to check the oil, tires and spare tire.
A road assistance membership is a must-have in case something goes wrong on the road.
I would also check if a domestic travel insurance makes sense for your road trip plus vacation. Read more in my post How To Buy The Best Family Travel Insurance.
9. Relax
Everything is packed, the kids are in the car … take a deep breath and enjoy the journey.
Even though you got everything organized, expect the unexpected. But you know what – everything will be alright, and you are going to have a fantastic time with your family.
For more ideas and tips, read My 9 Best Tips For A Fun Family Adventure.
I do hope my list has given you some ideas for your next road trip. Have fun and enjoy your time with the family!
Please let me know if you have any stories to share. I’d love to hear from you. Please leave a comment below.
Until next time – Safe travels and take care! ~Anke
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